I want to thank my Cousin, Ko Htoo who helped me set up this website. It must be difficult to work with the electricity cuts in Myanmar. When anyone needs help with setting up a website, you can reach out to him. or leave a comment on this post, he will get back to you.
I want to thank my super supportive Husband who never fails to take care of us. He will let me hyper-focus on the computer while he is taking care of the children.
Today I am kind of stuck in terms of writing because of feeling blue. I felt like something was missing. Then I remembered, Lee Sun-kyun, an Korean actor was passed away. I like him in Coffee prince. He chose to take his own life. My absolute favourite singer, my teenage crush, Chester Bennington did the same thing. They brings joys to my life at some points. I am thankful for them. May both of them free from sufferings wherever they are.